Figma's ability to add a library to any file allows for icons to be a separate libraries that can worked on and imported into your file. Within this, there are various ways to approach it and there are few of them listed down below:
What should the library provide:
- Many icons (easily swappable)
- Icons should be easy to find (categorised logically)
- Various sizes (16, 24, 32, 48)
- Different states (hover, focus, etc.)
- Library should be easy to maintain (changeability, fixability and scalability)
Figma considerations
- Swapping can be made using instance switching or layer toggling
- Figma components have fixed sizes but instances can be scaled
- Components can be deployed with hidden layers showing states
- Publishing different components within a frame will automatically be grouped within that frame’s name even if you’ve named them to be grouped differently
- Naming a frame with ‘/’ will not group the components within it, they will however be grouped if ‘/’ is added in the component naming
- You can enable all instances of an external library into a file that is also a library
Design considerations